The Eczema Rescue Program


Want to Conquer Your Child's Itch, Transform Skin, and End Sleepless Nights with a Fully Supported and Comprehensive Pediatrician Made Program?


Get Instant Access to

1:1 Support with Dr. Gluzman

âś… Connect with Dr. Gluzman directly for comprehensive, step-by-step personalized tools for long-term success.

✅  2 Complimentary 25-minute self-scheduled calls with Dr. Gluzman included with The Eczema Rescue Program 

✅  Book private calls with Dr. Gluzman where you can further personalize your child's eczema transformation as needed (additional fee is $300 per call)

The 30 Day Conquer Eczema Program

This is your child's quick-start success plan

âś…  Access to the 30-Day Conquer Eczema Protocol (The proven 4-week system that has already helped thousands of families transform eczema at Blossom Pediatrics PC and around the world)

âś…  Step-by-step, straightforward, & detailed information, 20+ hours of videos, and written material teaching you how to transform your child’s eczema from the inside out without steroids or band-aid solutions.

âś…  Start to see your child’s eczema transform in as little as one month, or go at your own pace.

The Holistic Digital Library

Get peace of mind and confidence knowing you are making the healthiest and most informed choices 

âś…  Dr. Gluzman’s Complete Eczema Supplements & Herbs Guide

âś…  Holistic Immune Boosts & Cold Remedies Guide

âś…  Holistic Approach to Fevers Tutorial

âś…  Holistic Emergency Eczema Remedies Guide for Flares

âś…  Kid-Friendly Mindfulness Tools

âś…  Real Solutions for Picky Eaters Seminar & Guide

The Eczema Rescue Members Only Community

âś… 12-Month Access to The Eczema Rescue Private Community

âś…  24/7 connection to a community of empowered families also on a healing journey

âś…  Ongoing Support from Dr. Gluzman in between WEEKLY LIVE sessions

âś… Eliminate feelings of isolation & overwhelm through the healing journey

Blossom Pediatrics Eczema Healing Meal Plans, Recipes, & Supplements Guide

âś…  Easy and time-tested meal plans, recipes, & snacks for all ages

âś…  Take the guesswork of what to feed your little one and your whole family

âś…  Get peace of mind & confidence knowing you are making the healthiest & most informed 

âś…  Wholesome Food Choices for Wholesome Babies:  First Foods Guide to Conquer Eczema

Itch Relief & Sleep Solutions Mini-Course

âś…  FREE Access to the Recording of the 2-Hour Itch Relief and Sleep Solutions Seminar with Dr. Gluzman 

âś…  Your complete guide to conquering itch today so your child can finally sleep tonight.

âś…   Interactive Workbook to take you step by step through conquering eczema itch inside out with Dr. Gluzman’s favorite creams, lotions, potions, and products

Do You Remember the Last Time Your Child Was Itch Free?

 You've gone to all the specialists

→ Your child is using all the prescriptions

 You did ALL your pediatrician asked of you

 BUT your child is still experiencing persistent eczema that simply won't resolve 

 You are feeling scared, overwhelmed, guilty, and worried about their future

 Even worse, your child is frustrated and suffering

 And on top of all that, you are exhausted from attempting to navigate the sea of overwhelming information out there

A Band-aid Approach is NOT a Permanent Solution

Many parents, like yourself, find themselves focused on creams and lotions to manage their child's symptoms.

 → But you still need a system that will help your child's resilient body at the root cause

→ Your child needs permanent relief from the itching, burning, and sleepless nights.

 → And you’re ready for the exact protocol for tangible results with guidance on where to start. 

Meet Dr. Nelli Gluzman

Welcome to "The Eczema Rescue Program"! My name is Dr. Nelli Gluzman, and I am the founder of Blossom Pediatrics PC and the creator of The Rescue Program. I am also a mom, yoga practitioner, and lifetime learner, like many of you. My life's mission is to empower you, moms and dads, to help you free your child of eczema, allergies, and asthma. We achieve this by using holistic gut healing protocols to reverse the root cause of these chronic childhood illnesses. With my own daughter, I once felt overwhelmed about where to begin, how to proceed, and what to do (even as a pediatrician). Today, I have successfully rescued my child's health AND spent over 10+ years helping thousands of other families rescue their child's health. That's why I know you can too.

See For Yourself

Case studies from The Eczema Rescue Program

BEFORE: 12-year-old female with a history of seasonal allergies and atopic dermatitis, treated with daily allergy medications and steroid creams for eczema flares every 3-4 weeks.

AFTER:  Age 13 with no use of steroid creams for the past 12 months and no further seasonal or environmental allergies per allergy report and clinical update.

BEFORE: 4-year-old female treated with daily allergy medications and antihistamines, required just to make it through the night

AFTER:  Just 14 DAYS LATER, no longer requiring use of steroid creams or antihistamines and able to sleep soundly through the night without the use of any medications. 

The Eczema Rescue Parent Experience

Start Transforming Your Child's Eczema TODAY...

7 Day Risk Free Guarantee

The Eczema Rescue Program


✅  A Personalized, fully Supported,  Comprehensive, & Pediatrician-Led Program Designed to Conquer Itch, Transform Skin, and End Sleepless Nights in as early as 30 days

✅  2 x 25-minute 1:1 calls with Dr. Nelli Gluzman are included with The Eczema Rescue Program

✅  Access to the 30-Day Conquer Eczema Protocol (The proven system that already helped thousands of families transform eczema in Blossom Pediatrics PC and around the world)

✅  Access to The Eczema Rescue Private Community for ongoing support in between weekly live sessions

✅  Supplements Guide, Eczema Healing Recipes & Meal Plans, & Itch Relief & Sleep Solutions Mini-Course.

✅  Try the program risk-free for 7 days to see if it is right for you and your family


It's Time to Free Your Child from Eczema!

You hold the power to change their future and rescue their health!


Learn the exact protocol to start seeing tangible results in as little as 30 days.


With the proper information and guidelines, you have the opportunity to detox your child from the inside out. 


Using specific protocols & evidence-based medicine, you can find natural and permanent relief for your child’s most persistent symptoms without the need for countless medications and expensive specialists.  


Get Powerful Answers

Your child's wellness is based on their internal & external environment. 

This comprehensive program removes toxins, replaces nutrients, heals the gut lining, decreases inflammation, and repopulates the microbiome to heal the gut. 

You will see your child’s itchy, dry, inflamed, and hurting skin transform allowing you to quit constantly worrying about their health, wellbeing, and future.

Elizabeth C.

"We've joined "The Eczema Rescue Program" and we've had immediate success through the information she has provided through educating on finding the root cause.

Since the age of 3 months old, we have never seen my child's face completely clear without any flare-ups, and we have through this program. Not only have we've had clear skin, but longer sleep periods through the night, and less itching!

My family and I are sincerely grateful to have found Dr. Gluzman's Facebook group that one late evening while researching eczema. We finally found what WORKS! So much relief for our family, mostly for my little guy. Thank you Dr. Gluzman for your program and your prompt responses to any questions!"

Gracia B.

"We had such a wonderful experience working with Dr. Gluzman to solve our child's eczema issues. Since 3 months old our son had horrible eczema that we could not manage without using over the counter steroids. These steroids would only work for a couple of days before the eczema came back just as bad.

Dr. Gluzman helped us heal his eczema completely in less than 30 days and it has now been completely clear for over a month. It was a great investment of time and money and MUCH more effective than the costly and extensive blood work and testing that other practitioners had recommended. We are so grateful!"

Kayla W.

"I would highly recommend the 30-day course for parents of children with eczema. I had a 4-month-old with scaly red cheeks and patches of eczema all over her body. Nowadays we eat a full diet (only a little dairy, gluten and sugar) and her eczema is well under control, just a few small under control, just a few small patches on her ankles. The awful eczema on her cheeks has never come back.

I went into the course with already a pretty good knowledge of a gut-healing diet, however I found the 30 day structure to be key in getting the results + there was extra information I had not heard of that really helped too!"


This Program Is For You If:


✅  You don't want your child to rely on multiple medications long-term


✅  You and your child are tired of the itching and sleepless nights


✅  You want to learn the exact protocol to see tangible results


✅  You want to be empowered with the knowledge of how to prevent future eczema flares


✅  You are not satisfied with all the band-aid solutions, all the creams, steroids, or inhalers


✅  You are feeling overwhelmed with the task of managing your child's health 

Success & Transformations

The Eczema Rescue Program Outcomes:

The Eczema Program is a comprehensive, pediatrician-led, LIVE program designed to decrease inflammation, heal the gut, and start transforming eczema-prone skin into clear and healthy skin.

Kristy P.

"I have been doing Dr. Gluzman’s Eczema Rescue program with my 17-month-old son for over a month now. This is the best his skin has ever been!! 

 I know we still have a long journey to heal his gut to make lifelong changes for him, but I am so grateful that he can get through days (and weeks!) without constantly scratching and being in pain. 

Dr. Gluzman is so caring and kind and tries to give as much information and answer as many questions as possible. I love her holistic approach and will forever be grateful for the tools she has given me to help my son! I highly recommend her program!"


Angela S.

"Dr. Gluzman has been amazing to work with! She is knowledgeable, caring, and eager to help. I have never had a doctor take so much time to hear my concerns. She offers support and is always available for questions no matter how big or small.

We just completed her 30 Days to Rescue Your Child’s Health Program and I highly recommend it. I love how she focuses on getting to the root cause and healing the body from within using food."

Kayla W.

"I would highly recommend the 30-day course for parents of children with eczema. I had a 4-month-old with scaly red cheeks and patches of eczema all over her body. Nowadays we eat a full diet (only a little dairy, gluten and sugar) and her eczema is well under control, just a few small under control, just a few small patches on her ankles. The awful eczema on her cheeks has never come back.

I went into the course with already a pretty good knowledge of a gut-healing diet, however I found the 30 day structure to be key in getting the results + there was extra information I had not heard of that really helped too!"


Start Transforming Your Child's Eczema TODAY...

7 Day Risk Free Guarantee

The Eczema Rescue Program


✅  A Personalized, fully Supported,  Comprehensive, & Pediatrician-Led Program Designed to Conquer Itch, Transform Skin, and End Sleepless Nights in as early as 30 days

✅  2 x 25-minute 1:1 calls with Dr. Nelli Gluzman are included with The Eczema Rescue Program

✅  Access to the 30-Day Conquer Eczema Protocol (The proven system that already helped thousands of families transform eczema in Blossom Pediatrics PC and around the world)

✅  Access to The Eczema Rescue Private Community for ongoing support in between weekly live sessions

✅  Supplements Guide, Eczema Healing Recipes & Meal Plans, & Itch Relief & Sleep Solutions Mini-Course.

✅  Try the program risk-free for 7 days to see if it is right for you and your family


The 30 Day Conquer Eczema Protocol

This program will teach you exactly what to remove, what to add, how to make it, what to look for, where to get it, and how to continue healing your family without needing another doctor or specialist beyond a yearly check-up. You may begin to see results as soon as 30 days after implementing the Conquer Eczema Protocol; allowing you to quit constantly worrying about your child's health, wellbeing, and future.

Why The Eczema Rescue Program Works:

Effective treatments for chronic childhood conditions are determined by the following 3 factors:


The Eczema Rescue Program combines ALL these vital elements to provide you with a strong foundation to build the future of your child's health upon.


We are ready to hand you all the answers you have been searching for. 


Join The Eczema Rescue Club Facebook Community hosted by Dr. Gluzman

Any Additional Questions?

Reach us at [email protected]

Chayale S.

"This deserves 10 stars.
I want to thank Dr. Gluzman
 for helping us deal with our baby's eczema. She has a wealth of knowledge and explains everything so clearly.

I have seen such progress by following her steps.  I now have the tools to help my baby and we don't have to sit and watch him struggle.

Stephany A.

"Dr.Gluzman is the most amazing doctor that I’ve ever met. She is kind, caring, and most of all compassionate. She is sincerely interested in helping my daughter recover from her 7-year struggle with eczema.

We’ve seen, doctors, allergists, and naturopathic practitioners and this is the first time that we’ve seen significant improvement without the use of topical steroids. She guides you through the process step by step, she gives you access to a portal with videos, information, and resources that you can continue to refer to."

Elena G.

"Dr.Gluzman is one of the rare physicians these days who truly try to fight chronic diseases at their root cause, healing the gut and also setting a very healthy eating pattern for her patients. She is extremely detail-oriented and thorough and has done an incredible amount of research that she implemented in her eczema programs, which are fantastic.

We are very lucky to have found Dr.Gluzman- we have already seen an improvement in our kiddo's skin issues and are looking forward to working with her further."

Hi Moms & Dads,

I'm Dr. Nelli Gluzman.

Your guide and partner on this healing journey.

When it comes to rescuing your child’s health, I take a holistic, functional, and integrative approach to healing.

But I did not start off this way. 

I was already a pediatrician when my daughter was getting sick over and over again.  Every little cold turned into a severe bacterial infection.  She was in a never-ending cycle of wheezing, rashes, and allergies. We ran through creams, antibiotics, steroids, and back to creams again.

She was uncomfortable, tired, and miserable. 

I was left feeling guilty, overwhelmed, and scared for her future.

She was just 3 when she asked me, "Mommy, why do I keep missing school?"  That was my breaking point. 

I had to find a root cause solution that gave her the building blocks she needed to heal. 

And I did just that. It was like magic.  It actually worked.  The eczema flares, wheezing, steroid creams, allergies, EpiPens, antibiotics, specialist visits, and sleepless nights were a thing of the past.

And it was all done entirely naturally. 

Fast forward to today:  My daughter is thriving and healthy.  And so are the families and kids of my holistic pediatric practice, Blossom Pediatrics in NYC.  We focus on REVERSING eczema PERMANENTLY. 

I have spent the last 10 years dedicating myself to helping each child live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives; free from the burdens of chronic eczema.  Now I am on a mission to bring this empowering information to YOU.  

On a more personal note, I am also a dog mom, obsessed with tea, and a lifelong yoga practitioner.  And I'd love to connect with you to hear your story!


Learn more about Dr. Nelli Gluzman and Blossom Pediatrics here:

Lindsey W.

"The Eczema Rescue Program has been amazing for my entire family. I have considered myself to be all-natural and holistic for years and years and this really took me to the next level. 

The program has so much information. It is organized and easy to follow. It took a few months of perseverance but my daughters eczema is gone and mine is much better. 

We still have tons to implement as we continue to follow the program and add in more and more of Dr. Nelli’s recommendations. Highly recommend to those who haven’t been able to find relief. I am forever thankful I found Dr. Nelli!"

Nicole G.

"SUCH an amazing wealth of information!! This program has been life-giving. 

Watching your child deal with an autoimmune illness like eczema is heart-wrenching, and it has been wonderful to watch my baby girl make progress using the tools presented in Dr. Gluzman’s program. 

It’s very difficult to find all of these tools individually, never mind put together in a comprehensive program such as packaged here. Worth every penny."

Shirley E.

"We are dealing with way less itching now all due to this program and your guidance. She is able to sleep without antihistamines for the vast majority of days.

"...Seeing my daughter how conscious she has gotten about what she eats and how she can sleep without taking medicine is the best and it is totally worth any of my time investment."

Start Transforming Your Child's Eczema TODAY...

7 Day Risk Free Guarantee

The Eczema Rescue Program


✅  A Personalized, fully Supported,  Comprehensive, & Pediatrician-Led Program Designed to Conquer Itch, Transform Skin, and End Sleepless Nights in as early as 30 days

✅  2 x 25-minute 1:1 calls with Dr. Nelli Gluzman are included with The Eczema Rescue Program

✅  Access to the 30-Day Conquer Eczema Protocol (The proven system that already helped thousands of families transform eczema in Blossom Pediatrics PC and around the world)

✅  Access to The Eczema Rescue Private Community for ongoing support in between weekly live sessions

✅  Supplements Guide, Eczema Healing Recipes & Meal Plans, & Itch Relief & Sleep Solutions Mini-Course.

✅  Try the program risk-free for 7 days to see if it is right for you and your family